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Phu Yen Shipwreck - early 14 C
Album Name
Phu Yen Shipwreck (Y-047 to Y-081) - 1
Phu Yen Shipwreck (Y-047 to Y-081) - 2
Phu Yen Y-047 (3 of 3) Crop
Phu Yen Y-051 (2 of 2) crop
Y-047 (3 of 3 - Base)
Y-047 (3 of 3)
Y-047 (No
Y-047 (No
Y-048 (Base)
Y-049 (Base)
Y-050 (2 of 2 - Base)
Y-050 (2 of 2 - Top)
Y-050 (2 of 2)
Y-050 (No
Y-050 (No
Y-050 (Reference - SEACM, Bangkok University)
Y-051 (2 of 2 - Base)
Y-051 (2 of 2 - Top)
Y-051 (2 of 2)
Y-052 (2 of 2 - Base)
Y-052 (2 of 2 - Top)
Y-052 (2 of 2)
Y-081 (3 of 3 - Base & Cover)
Gallery 2
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